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Articles & Resources
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Charities of Southern Nevada

"Catholic Charities operates 16 programs providing support to more than 4,200 people daily and encompassing four core areas: Family Services, Food Services, Immigration, and Refugee Services and Homeless and Housing Services."

Clark CountyLibrary

"The Las Vegas-Clark County Library District nurtures the social, economic, and educational well-being of people and communities. The District is committed to building communities of people who can come together to pursue their individual and group aspirations."

-Mission Statement

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college of southern nevada

"The College of Southern Nevada proudly hosts students from all 50 states and over 60 countries, so we are confident you will fit in here too. We offer more than 150 degrees and certificates in 70 academic programs, including degree options in high-demand fields such as healthcare and information technology....."

division of welfare and supportive services

"The mission of the Division of Welfare and Supportive Services is to engage clients, staff, and the community to provide public assistance benefits to all who qualify and reasonable support for children with absentee parents to help Nevadans achieve safe, stable, and healthy lives."

-Mission Statement

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3 Square

"To provide wholesome food to hungry people, while passionately pursuing a hunger-free community."


lds family services

"The mission of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is to help all of God’s children come to Jesus Christ through learning about His gospel, making and keeping promises with God (covenants), and practicing Christlike love and service....."

-Mission Statement

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Linked helpers

"Linked Helpers is a US-based virtual assistant company that will provide you with a highly trained team of managed, dedicated virtual assistants who will seamlessly adapt to your business mission and preferences...."

lgbtq center

"The LGBTQIA+ Center serves as a haven for all. We welcome and celebrate the diversity of our communities and strive to empower all to live authentic lives."

- The Center

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Nevada department of employment training & rehab

"The Department of Employment, Training & Rehabilitation (DETR) is the state’s lead workforce development agency. It consists of divisions that offer workforce-related services, job placement, and training, services for people with disabilities, investigation of claims of discrimination, unemployment insurance benefits, labor market data, and more...."

parenting troubled children

"HelpGuide’s mission is to empower people with the information and insight they need to improve their mental health and make healthy changes."

-Mission Statement

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paul padda law

"If you’ve been in a car accident or you’ve suffered some other event leaving you injured because of someone else’s negligence, it can be a stressful and confusing time.  At Paul Padda Law we understand the range of emotions you might be experiencing...."

psychology today

"Psychology Today is the world’s largest mental health and behavioral science destination online. It is the original and largest publishing enterprise that is exclusively dedicated to human behavior. Our motto is “Here to Help,” and the resources you’re accessing right now are the worldwide destination of choice for expert-authored information about psychology and mental health...."

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shade tree

"The Shade Tree is the largest shelter of its kind in the state and is the only 24-hour accessible shelter designed specifically to meet the needs of women and their children in the region...."

social security administration

"Social Security has provided financial protection for our nation's people for over 80 years. Chances are, you either receive Social Security benefits or know someone who does. With retirement, disability, and survivor benefits, Social Security is one of the most successful anti-poverty programs in our nation's history...." -About

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University Of Nevada las vegas

...UNLV provides access to world-class educational experiences that are responsive to the needs of our students and stakeholders;
engages in groundbreaking research, scholarship, professional, and creative activities that have impact and cross boundaries; and
offers high-value, cutting-edge interdisciplinary physical and mental health care to support our community...

University Of Nevada, reno

"Inspired by its land-grant foundation, the University of Nevada, Reno provides outstanding learning, discovery, and engagement programs that serve the economic, social, environmental, and cultural needs of the citizens of Nevada, the nation, and the world. The University recognizes and embraces the critical importance of diversity in preparing students for global citizenship and is committed to a culture of excellence, inclusion, and accessibility...."

-Mission Statement

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